CA Support Services

CA Support centres all of their work around ensuring that all support is unique to the individual - we recognise that no two individuals are the same and so neither should their care.

We believe that treatment should be as diverse as those who suffer. In keeping with this philosophy, we are able to monitor, adapt and or create a service that works uniquely for YOU. The following services are just an idea of what that might be:

This is an offering where the client has access to their practitioner within business hours Monday-Friday via text message support. This option includes once a week appointment via telehealth, or in person if applicable. These sessions can be used to unpack the week, talk about the challenges, goals or whatever it is that might be helpful to you. This allows you to focus on specific skill building in your appointments with your treatment team (i.e. psychologist, dietitian). These sessions can be used for meal support or any other in person service that might be relevant.

This is a regular one-to-one support session that is provided virtually. These sessions can occur daily, multiple times a week, weekly, fortnightly or the minimum requirement of monthly. This option can also be used as a one-off option whenever you feel it is necessary as well.

Callie has a lived experience of recovering from Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa- something that has been seen as a terminal diagnosis, even to the point of being able to access palliative care and in some cases in overseas areas; assisted-dying.

It is a firm belief of hers that nobody should be dying from an eating disorder in 2023 and rejects the notion that it is terminal nor treatment resistant.

This service is for allied health professionals and other clinicians working within this space who might want some extra insight and education around SEED, from someone who has recovered from it.

This is a service that can be used in between business hours on Monday-Friday. This option can be used in conjunction with one-to-one appointments either via telehealth
or in person. There is a minimum requirement for one telehealth appointment per month with this option.

CA Support offers telehealth or in person meal support. This option is not used as a means to police you and/or your way of eating; it is to provide you with the support to be able to achieve your goals when it comes to eating out, around people or challenging particular foods. All practitioners bring an awareness of intersectionality’s to this option and is confident in being able to provide support around this area that will be both helpful and trauma informed.

CA Support is available to provide training and education to other allied health professionals and practices (dietetic and nutrition services, psychology services, mental health and kid related services), schools (both students and staff), around the areas of eating disorders, disordered eating, body image and the like. This also extends to other areas such as pregnancy care (OB’s, women’s health practices, midwives etc) and how to navigate a diet culture fuelled world for parents and beyond.

CA Support believes that eating disorders impact more than just the person living with it - it can flow onto their loved ones as well. We believe that carers need access to support just as much as their loved one. A well looked after carer, can mean better outcomes for all. CA support offers this support as telehealth service.

This option provides support to those who have been either diagnosed or has a suspected diagnosis of ADHD and are feeling lost in how to navigate the world as it is/the system. Callie has a lived experience of ADHD and has completed further training to be able to provide support in this area. For further questions, please reach out.

CA Support is available for any and all speaking engagements around the topics of lived experiences with eating disorders, body image, domestic violence, suicide awareness, pregnancy related care (trying to conceive, prenatal and postnatal) etc.

Please reach out for more information.

“And after some time, I whispered to my eating disorder…

I am safe, I think I can take it from here…

Thank you.”

— Callie Ann
